Radio Rhema

Rhema has been broadcasting to the people of New Zealand since 1978. Over the years, we have grown from one man’s dream and a backyard studio, to become one of the country’s largest radio networks, reaching thousands of people every day.

The first radio station in New Zealand to use satellite technology, we continue to break new ground at the forefront of broadcasting technology.

Rhema differs from commercial radio in that 30,000 New Zealanders unite with staff in changing lives for good by financially supporting the station, paying a yearly membership fee. These subscriptions, along with donations, currently make up the majority of our income. Our bottom line is changed lives.

Without the love, support and prayers of these people Rhema would not be what it is today.

Tokoroa has its own Radio Rhema station located on Colson’s Hill. The Radio Rhema signal is brought down from satellite and re-broadcast over the Southern Waikato area on 99.7 FM

Radio Rhema is part of the Rhema Broadcasting Group (RBG). Other radio stations that broadcast from Hamilton, over the Waikato region and may be receivable in Tokoroa are Radio Rhema AM, Life FM, Southern Star and The Word.


R H E M A…General Listening………………………………..99.7 FM or 855 AM

(( )) live it…..Youth Rock………………………………94.6 FM

Star network…..Gentle sounds……………..576 AM


The WORD……………………………………………………………….87.7 FM Tokoroa – Bible on air 24 / 7

Do you have trouble reading the Bible? Haven’t got a Bible you can understand? Would you like to listen to easy listening Bible teaching and scripture readings any time of day or night? Tokoroa has a radio station called “87.7 FM Tokoroa” which broadcasts the Word of God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just tune your radio to 87.7 FM. You should be able to receive this station anywhere within the Tokoroa residential area and some distance into the surrounding country side. It is a mixture of 20 – 25 minute Bible teachings, music and scripture reading from a variety of Bible versions in easy listening and easy to understand reading. No adverts, no church promotion, just simply – the Word Of God in different formats.

Note: 87.7 FM Tokoroa is a privately operated LPFM station covering Tokoroa township and a few kilometres into the surrounding country side.

Local Radio Rhema Technicians:

Kelvin Brown Phone :- 886.8819
Alan Bowring Phone :- 886.2206


Thanks to the now closed T J”S Music & Appliances (Tim Bryant) for the donation of the satellite dish for the Tokoroa Radio Rhema station.

Thanks to Jim Buchanan of JIMSAT for donating his time and expertise, erecting, connecting and aligning the satellite dish for the Tokoroa Radio Rhema station.

Other RBG Station Sites:

Shine TV

Shine TV is a television network of the Rhema Broadcasting Group Inc – New Zealand’s largest Christian media organisation. On-air since December 2002, Shine broadcasts 24 hours nationwide on the SKY digital and Freeview Satellite platforms, with regional channels in Canterbury, Nelson and Wellington.


Shine TV – SKY Digital channel 201/FREEVIEW channel 25

Watch Shine TV On Line.

Vision Statement

To lift up the name of Jesus Christ and communicate the reality of a personal relationship with Him to the people of New Zealand, through Christian broadcasting, as part of the Body of Christ for the glory of God.

Mission Statement

To promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ

To operate broadcasting networks in New Zealand

To promote Biblical values, such as righteousness, justice and mercy

To encourage, exhort and challenge through music and other programming

To educate, inform and entertain for the promotion of well-being amongst New Zealanders

To expand the networks to effectively reach the people of New Zealand

To explore new avenues for Christian programming and/or broadcasting

Shine TV can also be received via the freeview satellite Optus D1 which transmits about 30 channels, mostly the New Zealand network TV channels and some Australian.

A number of international freeview Christian channels can be received from the Optus D2 satellite which transmits between 40 and 50 freeview channels , some of which are in foreign languages. Amongst the Christian channels are TBN, Church Channel, Smile Of A Child, God TV, Daystar and Inspiration. There are also world news channels broadcasting in English and foreign languages.
If you do not have satellite freeview but think you may like to – – give JIMSAT a call to find out more.

DISCLAIMER: Christian Centre has no input in regards to the programs aired, the content of those programs or the views expressed on those programs aired on the radio and television stations referred to on this page. Therefore the radio and television stations referred to on this page may air material in their programming that does not align with the statements of faith and or beliefs expressed by the Christian Centre.