CHILDREN under the age of two are minded by their parents or caregivers in the service. There is a crèche room available where you can take your child for feeding, changing, pacifying and play. If you require directions or assistance, please ask one of our friendly ushers.
SPARKS is the group for preschoolers age two up to five. This group is operated when there are sufficient numbers in that age group in regular attendance. Please contact the church for current information about this group.
POWERZONE is our Sunday morning programme for primary and intermediate aged children. POWERZONE children spend the first part of the service time in the service with their parents or caregivers. At a point in the service sometime before ministry and the delivery of the message the children are taken out of the service and to the POWERZONE room by their leaders.
The POWERZONE children have Bible Stories, Activities and Refreshments. The POWERZONE children have a part to play in our regular family services, singing and performing practiced short plays and skits.
POWERZONE children are welcome to invite and bring friends, and we love visitors.
The 5 core values in the word POWER are integral in each of the programmes that run, and are essential in developing a child to have a meaningful, dynamic and powerful faith!
James 5:16 tell us “The prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective”. Children’s prayers have the potential to be no less powerful or effective than that of an adult. We want children to be excited about prayer and to expect miracles to happen when they do! We want them to see prayer as a way they can connect with their Heavenly Father and have a relationship with Him that is real, living and active.
The aim of POWERZONE is for children to be living with a strong knowledge of the bible and a determination to obey its teachings and precepts. This is especially important in their home life as they learn to honour their parents and caregivers with an obedient heart and right attitude.
Roman 12 tells us to “offer our bodies as living sacrifices”. We want children to understand worship as a lifestyle -whether they’re playing, studying or relaxing, they can bring glory to God in the way they choose to live.
For children to want to develop their faith beyond just church on a Sunday they need to enjoy it. POWERZONE aims to teach kids that their relationship with God is a privilege and that it can be enjoyed and FUN!
Matthew 28:19 says “Go and make disciples of every nation”. Children have the ability to be fearless when telling their friends and family about their relationship with Christ. When they are given the tools to lead others into a relationship with Him, we believe they can be the world’s greatest evangelists.
Please use the contact us should you have any queries about these groups.